What’s new with this?
Here’s the thing, we often hear people say, he’s good with this thing, because his mom used to do it, or his father had a way with coding or he ingrained it all from his grandmother. True. But the question is, can an individual not excel at things his/her parents or any of his forefather were not good at or because they hadn’t been doing it in their times?
What role does our surrounding play in molding us, in fabricating us, or even in pioneering the worldly beliefs? What does the science say?.
- 20 to 60 percent of our temperament is determined by genetics. What now? Are we a product of our environments or the embodiment of our genes?
To that question, the answer goes like, to a large extent it all comes down to how well we prepare ourselves to harvest all the learnings from the worldly experiences we had, had. There are few obvious things to ponder upon which eventually shapes up the person and has the potential to shape up an individual in their time ahead, they are, what are our inherent beliefs and how amenable we are to substitute those beliefs with the new and the original ones in case we got them wrong in the first place and accept the state-of-the-art. This also doesn’t mean to construct oneself into a person of a dynamic nature, or else one would possibly end up tangling themselves into an array of unsettled moral questions lined up with all of their thoughts and beliefs in a muddle. It rather means to scrutinize the situations very coherently, rationally, objectively and intuitively at the same time.
I’d consider you lucky if you have a good pass-on of skills through your genes. I’d still consider you lucky if you haven’t inculcated any from your forefathers. Why so? There’s this term, ‘to be in control’. Have you ever been in a hotel fore-thinking I’d not binge-eat and then later end up eating pretty much more than your set limit? I’d like to make reference of few lines from the book ‘Discipline-Is-Destiny’ by Ryan Holiday.
Self-Discipline is giving everything you have and yet knowing what to hold back. Some things we resist, some things we pursue; in all things, we proceed with moderation, intentionally, reasonably, without being consumed or carried away. The charioteer must figure out how to balance strictness and kindness, the light and the heavy touch.
Its not always that one factor we think that makes up an individual, rather its an assemblage of the prime things, practice, knowledge, etc, but more than that its the surroundings, the discipline and the mindful craziness that drives an individual. What good is IQ if you really cannot pick yourself up to getting things done.
So, does the surrounding environment superficialise the effect of genes?
It does most of the times and it also does not at same time, in such a case, one can pin one’s hope on themselves to direct every bit of the learnings and influence from the surroundings as well as by being pragmatic in all state of affairs, and in conjunction with one’s own rational, sensible and instinctual decisions and moral beliefs unaided by any outside force. By leading all of these collectively in the right course, they form up a foundational base upon which one can lay their very understandings of the worldly beliefs, their principles and a moral understanding of the subject, leaving us with the most crucial point that is to sustain control over one-self. No scientific groundwork and researches are erroneous or wrong, it always have correctness based on what has been observed, but, it reckons all upon on you!
You can let or not let……